Geyer, G. 2019:The earliest known West Gondwanan trilobites from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco, with a revision of the Family Bigotinidae Hupe, 1953. Fossils and Strata, No. 64, pp. 55–153.
The previously poorly investigated trilobite fauna of the upper Igoudine and lowest
Amouslek formations in the western Anti-Atlas, Morocco, critical for the understand-
ing of the earliest trilobites on a global scale, is studied in detail and its taxonomic
diversity and biostratigraphical characteristics reviewed. The key section at Tiout, par-
ticularly the Tiout Member, yields surprisingly diverse faunal associations with trilo-
bites of the families Bigotinidae and Fallotaspididae, of which only Hupetina antiqua,
Eofallotaspis prima, E. tioutensis and Fallotaspis cf. F. tazemmourtensis have been pre-
viously identified. New genera and species from the Tiout section comprise Bigotina
kelleri n. sp., B. monningeri n. sp., Issendalenia grandispina n. gen., n. sp., Tioutella
floccofavosa n. gen., n. sp., Pseudobigotina antiatlasensis n. gen., n. sp., Eladiolinania
castor n. gen., n. sp., E. pollux n. gen., n. sp., Debrenella larvalis n. gen., n. sp. and Fal-
lotaspis antecedens n. sp. Bigotinops chouberti n. sp. is a new species from below the
known range of Fallotaspis tazemmourtensis in the Amouslek section. A revision of
other bigotinid genera and species from the Iberian sector of West Gondwana, Cado-
mian France, the Siberian Platform and the Altay-Sayan Foldbelt leads to a recombina-
tion of Bigotina angulata Suvorova, 1960; Eladiolinania? palaciosi Lin~an et al., 2008;
E.? gordaensis Lin~an et al., 2008; Suvorovaella priva (Suvorova, 1960) and Suvoro-
vaella? patria (Suvorova, 1960) and a suggested new family Minusinellidae. The previ-
ously established Eofallotaspis and Fallotaspis tazemmourtensis zones in the Moroccan
biostratigraphical scheme are revised to become the Hupetina antiqua, Eofallotaspis
tioutensis and Fallotaspis plana zones. □ Biostratigraphy, Lower Cambrian, phylogeny,
Sibiria, Trilobita, West Gondwana.
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